How Can Modern Technology Aid In The Battle Against Internet Addiction?

Online addictions often focus on substance abuse, but behavioral addictions, such as video games, shopping, gambling, and social media addictions, also pose significant risks to our well-being. These addictions affect 1-2% of Americans, or 2-4 million people, with an estimated 5-10% of Americans, or 16-33 million people, suffering from gambling disorders. Furthermore, social media addiction affects an estimated 5-10% of Americans, or 16-33 million people. These statistics have led addiction experts and those in recovery to seek new opportunities to prevent and treat these addictions, with one such opportunity being the development of AI. These advancements can help those struggling or at risk, ensuring that we recognize the potential dangers of online activities and the need for effective addiction treatment.

Using AI to Treat and Prevent Internet Addictions

AI has the power to greatly control and lessen compulsive internet behavior. It is presently being utilized to monitor and manage compulsive gambling behaviors at online sportsbooks and casinos in New Jersey as well as other European and Asian nations.

Health experts believe AI can help develop personalized treatment plans by assessing various data sets, such as family and patient history.

AI software can be integrated into online casinos to track user habits and develop a baseline assessment of their risk for problem gambling. The system will flag changes in user behavior that indicate an increased risk for problem gambling, alerting the casino operator. These changes may include higher bets, deposits, or increased gaming time. AI options like Mindway AI GameScanner use a scoring system to determine if a user has progressed from low risk to medium or high risk. Once the concern is raised, the casino operator or AI system will check in on the user with messages and notifications to ensure their safety.

Additional Technologies to Combat Addiction

AI is a promising technology, but there are already tools available to help curb and limit addictive tendencies. Website and app blockers, similar to parental controls, prevent access to specific content online, reducing impulsive tendencies and addictive behaviors. These apps allow users to create a custom list of websites or apps or block specific websites or app types. BlockSite and AppBlock enable users to block particular websites or apps, while Gambian blocks any online platform connected to gambling.

Smartphone and social media app device and account settings offer features to help users shape a healthier relationship with their devices or apps. These features include setting time limits for specific apps, pausing notifications for set periods, and providing objective insight into habits. Operators often provide users with problem gambling tools, such as self-exclusion periods, deposit limits, and timers.

Regulatory changes are still needed to address addictive behaviors, as many believe companies can do more to reduce the addictive nature of social media platforms or video games. Critics argue that advertising for online casinos or video games is being criticized and met with calls for stricter regulations.

Types of Technological Addiction

  • Gaming addiction triggers dopamine release, leading to social isolation and gambling compulsion.
  • Social media addiction perpetuates feelings of loneliness and fear of missing out.
  • Online gambling addiction leads to financial and mental health consequences like stress, anxiety, and depression.
  • Cybersex addiction disrupts real-life relationships and induces negative emotions.
  • Net compulsions and online shopping serve as temporary escapes from negative emotions.
  • Work-related digital addiction harms relationships and mental well-being due to overreliance on work as an escape.


Modern technology is crucial in combating internet addiction, including behavioral addictions like gaming, shopping, gambling, and social media. AI’s ability to track, analyze, and predict addictive behaviors offers personalized treatment and prevention strategies. Existing tools like websites, app blockers, and device settings help curb impulsive behaviors. However, integrating AI in applications like Mindway AI GameScanner represents a significant advancement in proactive intervention. Regulatory changes are needed to prioritize user well-being over engagement metrics. A multi-faceted approach combining technological innovation, regulatory oversight, and individual responsibility is essential for fostering healthier digital habits. Read More

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