Who is Carlos Alman? Age, job, wife, and biography: all you need to know about Cardi B’s father

Carlos Alman, Cardi B’s Father and Hennessy Carolina, remains mysterious despite his daughters being celebrities. Despite his preference for privacy, a few details about who he really is have come out. It is worth mentioning that Carlos Alman was a successful cabbie before he retired, likely learning the value of hard work and persistence from this line of work.

Carlos Alman has largely remained in the background, but his impact on the lives of his children cannot be underestimated. Cardi B., known for her unique style in music, has captivated audiences with her moving words and an effortless presentation of them. This saw her first album “Invasion of Privacy,” released in 2018, become a massive hit, catapulting her to fame. The role played by Carlos Alman in shaping their destinies goes to show how important a parent can be when it comes to living out one’s dreams.

Carlos Alman Early Life

Born on March 19, 1958, in the Dominican Republic, Carlos Alman came into existence, commencing his melodic journey and stardom. Although little is known about his family background, it is established that Esperanza Almánzar, his mother, features prominently on Cardi B’s family tree, therefore injecting a sense of familiarity into their kinship fabric. By 1990, Carlos was convinced to travel to the Bronx of New York City in the United States. This marked a turning point in his life as the chapters he lived through subsequently began unfolding from then until now.

Carlos Alman Career

Carlos Alman has always been secretive about his job, preferring to keep himself away from the public. One thing is clear, though; he was a taxi driver for most of his life, but there are few tangible facts regarding his professional activities. Despite its outward simplicity, it must be acknowledged that Alman’s dedication and resolve were remarkable as he took care of his family, including Cardi B, who is his daughter. What comes out clearly in the story is that hard work pays off, and caring for your loved ones matters most, even in such simple occupations.

Carlos Alman Family

The strong bond between Carlos Alman and his daughter Cardi B is evident in Cardi B’s interviews, where she expresses love and respect for her father. The pair has a relationship that shows how strong love and family can be and how they can survive even complicated marriages that come apart while still holding onto what keeps them together. Besides being Cardi B’s dad, Carlos Alman had six other children from his previous marriage. Among these are Maciel Almanzar and Nicauly Villalona, his two daughters, and four sons, including Fernando Almanzar. Carlos and Clara were married in 1991; thus, they began the journey to determine their fate as a family.

Their union produced Cardi B on October 11, 1992 – a big event that set the stage for her fast rise to fame within the music industry. Hennessy Carolina joined their family after three years of patient waiting, which brought joy. Despite many happy moments, Carlos and Clara faced challenges that led to their divorce in 2005. However, even during the hardships of separation, the love between Carlos and his kids still shines through as it is unwaveringly strong.

Quick Facts about Carlos Alman

Carlos Alman is a proud Dominican citizen with diverse roots from different ethnic backgrounds, adding flavor to his family’s heritage. It all started in the Dominican Republic, but in 1990, looking for greener pastures, he moved to The Bronx, New York City, in the United States of America, and this was a turning point for him and his loved ones.

This allowed him and his loved ones countless opportunities for years to come. By 2005, their paths had separated, although they once exchanged nuptials in 1991 under the name Carlos Almánzar.

Nonetheless, from their union came two incredible people, namely Cardi B and Hennessy Carolina, who have had enormous impacts on their respective fields. Despite the many obstacles presented by this couple’s divorce, Carlos Alman has consistently remained an anchor and mentor towards his children; indeed, he personifies what it means to be a father despite these hardships. Read More

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